I am in a process of learning Replication in MSDE, especially Merge Replication
Server runs on MS-XP Professional
I have a sample Access project 'ReplTest' which has only table with only 2 columns.
DatabaseName : ReplTestDB
Table Name : TestTable
Now I would like to know how I can configure this database for merge replication
using SQL-DMO
Laptop runs on MS-XP Professional
I have another access project which is running on computer 2 and connected to the
ReplicaTest database.
My task is, when I am disconnected from server I would like to have a local copy of
the database to work with and then, when reconnected, need synchronization with the
server database and continue working from server database.
How to write this replication process from scratch using SQL-DMO objects in both Server computer
and Laptop computer.
I dont have enterprise manager in both computers since they use only MSDE
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
JPCheck out "Publishers, Distributors, and Subscribers" from BOL (Ihope you have BOL).|||The problem with BOL is it is so extensive and the scenario of my situation is not described. I could do replication in the same machine as distributor, publisher and suscriber, but what if the subscriber is another machine as in my case ?|||I found this within these forums:
The sample code you were after is for creating heterogenous publication. It does not work with SQL publications. Try to model after the following sample.
Sub CreateMergePub() Dim osvr As New SQLDMO.SQLServer Dim szLastErrorText As String
Dim lLastErrorNumber As Long
Dim szServerName As String
Dim oReplicationDatabase As SQLDMO.ReplicationDatabase
Dim oDistPublisher As New DistributionPublisher
Dim oMergePublication As New MergePublication
Dim oMergeArticle1 As New SQLDMO.MergeArticle
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
szServerName = "your servername"
' To use NT integrated security ' osvr.LoginSecure = True
osvr.Connect szServerName
' Enable pubs database for publishing ' Set oReplicationDatabase =
'oReplicationDatabase.EnableTransPublishing = True
' Set MergePublication properties, name, snapshot method, trans '
oMergePublication.Name = "Pub1" oMergePublication.SnapshotMethod =
' Set non-default properties, i.e. if you do not set the following properties, '
default value will be used ' 'oMergePublication.PublicationAttributes =
SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowPull Or SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowAnonymous
'oMergePublication.RetentionPeriod = 64
'oMergePublication.SnapshotSchedule.FrequencyType = SQLDMOFreq_Daily
'oMergePublication.SnapshotSchedule.FrequencyInter val = 1
'oMergePublication.SnapshotSchedule.ActiveStartTim eOfDay = 233000
'oMergePublication.SnapshotSchedule.ActiveEndTimeO fDay = 235959
'oMergePublication.SnapshotSchedule.ActiveStartDat e = 0
'oMergePublication.SnapshotSchedule.ActiveEndDate = 19981205
oReplicationDatabase.MergePublications.Add oMergePublication
' Add article ' oMergeArticle1.Name = "Article1" oMergeArticle1.SourceObjectName
= "jobs" oMergeArticle1.SourceObjectOwner = "dbo"
'Add the article to the publication ' oMergePublication.MergeArticles.Add
' Disconnect from SQL Server szServerName ' osvr.DisConnect Set osvr =
Nothing End
szLastErrorText = Err.Description lLastErrorNumber = Err.Number
MsgBox szLastErrorText, vbOKOnly, "Error " + Trim$(Str$(Err.Number))
End Sub
Pung Xu, Microsoft This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights. Please do not send email directly to this alias. This alias is for
newsgroup purposes only.
"matt" <matt_e_davis@.hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:d0db2ad5.0205221240.7c427ed7@.posting.google.c om...
> I am having trouble creating a merge publication with SQL-DMO. I modeled my
> solution after the following code:
> --================================================ Sub CreatePublication() '
> Connect to SQL Server Distributor Dim oSqlServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServer
> oSqlServer.Connect "", "sa", "" On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
> Dim oSamplePublisher As DistributionPublisher Set oSamplePublisher =
oSqlServer.Replication.Distributor.DistributionPub lishers("SAMPLEPUBLISHER")
> ' Create Sample Publication Dim oSamplePublication As New
> DistributionPublication oSamplePublication.Name = "SamplePublication"
> oSamplePublication.PublicationDB = "SampleDatabase"
> oSamplePublication.PublicationType = SQLDMOPublication_Transactional
> oSamplePublication.VendorName = "Sample Vendor"
> oSamplePublication.LogReaderAgent = "SampleLogReaderAgent"
> oSamplePublication.SnapshotAgent = "SampleSnapShotAgent"
> oSamplePublication.Description = "Sample Publication Definition"
> oSamplePublication.PublicationAttributes = SQLDMOPubAttrib_AllowPush
> ' Add the Publication oSamplePublisher.DistributionPublications.Add
> oSamplePublication
> ' Create Sample Articles Dim oSampleArticle1 As New DistributionArticle
> oSampleArticle1.Name = "SampleArticle1" oSampleArticle1.Description = "Sampe
> Article1 Definition" oSampleArticle1.SourceObjectName = "SampleTable1"
> Dim oSampleArticle2 As New DistributionArticle oSampleArticle2.Name =
> "SampleArticle2" oSampleArticle2.Description = "Sample Article2 Definition"
> oSampleArticle2.SourceObjectName = "SampleTable2"
> ' Add the Articles to the Publication
> oSamplePublication.DistributionArticles.Add oSampleArticle2
> oSamplePublication.DistributionArticles.Add oSampleArticle1
> oSqlServer.Close Exit Sub ErrorHandler: PrintErrors oSqlServer Exit Sub End Sub
> --================================================ This does create a publication
> but when you right click (via Enterprise Mgr.) Replication Monitor > PublisherName
> > SamplePublication and select Properties an error occurs. The error states that
> the publication is not in the TransPublication collection. The same error occurs
> when you create a merge publication. Except the error is that the publication does
> not exist in the MergePublications collection.
> How can I add the publication to the MergePublications collection?? Does anyone
> have any sample code for this?
> I am new at SQL-DMO and VB so I am struggling.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!
> Matt|||Hi
Thanks for the reply.
I solved my problem...
I think the following posting will be helphul to someone ...
The text is too long , so posted in 3 parts
Desktop - Installed Access 2003 & MSDE 2000
Machine Name - MYSVR
User id - 'sa' Password - 'password'
1. Create an Access Project 'TestProj.adp'
2. Create a SQL Database 'TestDB'
3. Create Table Name 'TestTable'
- TestName NVARCHAR(50)
4. Add a record to the table
5. Create a text TestRep01.txt and paste the following
Note that machinename should be replaced with your machine name
/*Script to be copied */
use master
exec sp_adddistributor @.distributor = @.@.servername, @.password = N''
-- Updating the agent profile defaults
sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default @.profile_id = 1
sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default @.profile_id = 2
sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default @.profile_id = 4
sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default @.profile_id = 6
sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default @.profile_id = 11
-- Adding the distribution database
exec sp_adddistributiondb @.database = N'distribution',
@.data_folder = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE\Data',
@.data_file = N'distribution.MDF',
@.data_file_size = 3,
@.log_folder = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE\Data',
@.log_file = N'distribution.LDF',
@.log_file_size = 3,
@.min_distretention = 0,
@.max_distretention = 72,
@.history_retention = 48,
@.security_mode = 1
-- Adding the distribution publisher
exec sp_adddistpublisher @.publisher = @.@.servername,
@.distribution_db = N'distribution',
@.security_mode = 1,
@.working_directory = N'\\MYSVR\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MYSINSTANCE\ReplData',
@.trusted = N'false',
@.thirdparty_flag = 0
/*script ends*/
5. Create a folder 'ReplData' under 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE' if it is not there.
6. Make sure SQLServer agent is running, if not, start that now.
7. Open Command prompt and run osql.exe with following parameters
as in scenario
prompt:> osql -S MYSVR\MYINSTANCE -U sa -P password -i TestRep01.txt
-o ResultTestRep01.txt -b
8. If so far so good , copy the follwoing script to another text file TestRep02.txt
/* Script starts*/
-- Enabling the replication database
use master
exec sp_replicationdboption @.dbname = N'TestDB',
@.optname = N'merge publish',
@.value = N'true'
use [TestDB]
-- Adding the merge publication
exec sp_addmergepublication @.publication = N'TestPub',
@.description = N'Merge publ of TestDB.',
@.retention = 14,
@.sync_mode = N'character',
@.allow_push = N'true',
@.allow_pull = N'true',
@.allow_anonymous = N'true',
@.enabled_for_internet = N'false',
@.centralized_conflicts = N'true',
@.dynamic_filters = N'false',
@.snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N'true',
@.compress_snapshot = N'false',
@.ftp_port = 21,
@.ftp_login = N'anonymous',
@.conflict_retention = 14,
@.keep_partition_changes = N'false',
@.allow_subscription_copy = N'false',
@.allow_synctoalternate = N'false',
@.add_to_active_directory = N'false',
@.max_concurrent_merge = 0,
@.max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots = 0
exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @.publication = 'TestPub',
@.frequency_type = 4,
@.frequency_interval = 1,
@.frequency_relative_interval = 1,
@.frequency_recurrence_factor = 0,
@.frequency_subday = 1,
@.frequency_subday_interval = 5,
@.active_start_date = 0,
@.active_end_date = 0,
@.active_start_time_of_day = 500,
@.active_end_time_of_day = 235959,
exec sp_grant_publication_access @.publication = N'TestPub',
@.login = N'sa'
-- Adding the merge articles
exec sp_addmergearticle @.publication = N'TestPub',
@.article = N'TestTable',
@.source_owner = N'dbo',
@.source_object = N'TestTable',
@.type = N'table',
@.description = null,
@.column_tracking = N'true',
@.pre_creation_cmd = N'drop',
@.creation_script = null,
@.schema_option = 0x000000000000FFF1,
@.article_resolver = null,
@.subset_filterclause = null,
@.vertical_partition = N'false',
@.destination_owner = N'dbo',
@.auto_identity_range = N'false',
@.verify_resolver_signature = 0,
@.allow_interactive_resolver = N'false',
@.fast_multicol_updateproc = N'true',
@.check_permissions = 0
/*Script Ends */
9. Open Command prompt and run osql.exe with following parameters
as in scenario
prompt:> osql -S MYSVR\MYINSTANCE -U sa -P password -i TestRep02.txt
-o ResultTestRep02.txt -b
10. If this works fine (check the ResultTestRep02.txt for errors) the proceed
Any doubts and corrections are welcome
Jos|||Part 2 of hte previous positing
In server computer , TestProj application
11. Create a form 'TestReplication'
13. Create reference to objects SQLMerge, SQLDSnapshot
and SQLReplError
14. Add
-- Commnad buttons 'cmdSnapShot', 'cmdMergePub'
-- Microsoft Progress Bar control 'ProgessBar'
-- Label 'ProgressLabel'
Copy the Code and paste in the VBA
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents SQLMerge As SQLMerge
Private WithEvents SQLMrgSnapshot As SQLSnapshot
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set SQLMerge = New SQLMerge
Set SQLMrgSnapshot = New SQLSnapshot
SQLMerge.PublisherSecurityMode = NT_AUTHENTICATION
SQLMerge.PublisherDatabase = "TestDB"
SQLMerge.Publication = "TestPub"
SQLMrgSnapshot.Publisher = "MYSVR\MYINSTANCE"
SQLMrgSnapshot.PublisherDatabase = "TestDB"
SQLMrgSnapshot.Distributor = "MYSVR\MYINSTANCE"
SQLMrgSnapshot.Publication = "TestPub"
SQLMrgSnapshot.DistributorSecurityMode = NT_AUTHENTICATION
SQLMrgSnapshot.PublisherSecurityMode = NT_AUTHENTICATION
SQLMrgSnapshot.ReplicationType = MERGE
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMergePub_Click()
On Error GoTo Failure
Dim replerr As SQLReplError
ProgressBar.Value = 0
ProgressLabel.Caption = "Starting Merge Replication."
'Reset objects
ProgressBar.Value = 0
Exit Sub
For Each replerr In SQLMerge.ErrorRecords
MsgBox replerr.Description, vbCritical, "SQL Replication Sample Failure"
Next replerr
ProgressLabel.Caption = ""
ProgressBar.Value = 0
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSnapshot_Click()
On Error GoTo Failure
Dim replerr As SQLReplError
ProgressBar.Value = 0
ProgressLabel.Caption = "Starting Merge Snapshot Generation."
'Reset objects
ProgressBar.Value = 0
Exit Sub
For Each replerr In SQLMrgSnapshot.ErrorRecords
MsgBox replerr.Description, vbCritical, "SQL Replication Sample Failure"
Next replerr
ProgressLabel.Caption = ""
ProgressBar.Value = 0
End Sub
Private Sub PrintErrors(c As Object)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "SQL Replication Sample Failure"
End If
End Sub
Private Function SQLMerge_Status(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Percent As Long) As STATUS_RETURN_CODE
'Update progress information
ProgressBar.Value = Percent
ProgressLabel.Caption = Message
'Allow other events
SQLMerge_Status = SUCCESS
End Function
Private Function SQLMrgSnapshot_Status(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Percent As Long) As STATUS_RETURN_CODE
'Update progress information
ProgressBar.Value = Percent
ProgressLabel.Caption = Message
'Allow other events
'Setting the return code to CANCEL will cause the control to cancel operation
SQLMrgSnapshot_Status = SUCCESS
End Function
15. Now Run only Snapshot by clicking cmdSnapshot button
16. If success go to your next connected computer
Installed MS-Access 2003 and MSDE 2000
Computer name 'MYLAPTOP'
user id 'sa'
passwor 'password'
17. Create an access project TestProjClient
18. Create a SQL Database 'TestDBClient'
Here you do not need to create tables
19. Add a Form TestReplicationClient
20. Create reference to objects SQLMerge and SQLReplError
21. Add
-- Commnad buttons 'cmdMergePub'
-- Microsoft Progress Bar control 'ProgessBar'
-- Label 'ProgressLabel'
22. Copy paste the following in the VBA code
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents SQLMrgSnapshot As SQLSnapshot
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set SQLMerge = New SQLMerge
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMergePub_Click()
with SQLMerge
'Set the publisher properties
.PublisherSecurityMode = DB_AUTHENTICATION
.PublisherLogin = "sa"
.PublisherPassword = "password"
.PublisherDatabase = "TestDB"
.Publication = "TestPub"
.PublisherAddress = "MYSVR"
.PublisherNetwork = DEFAULT_NETWORK
'Set the distributor properties
' No need to set Distribution Server when both
' Publisher and subscriber are same Server
'Set your local subscriber properties
.SubscriberSecurityMode = DB_AUTHENTICATION
.SubscriberDatasourceType = SQL_SERVER
.SubscriberLogin = "sa"
.SubscriberPassword = "password"
.SubscriberDatabase = "TestDBReplica"
.SubscriptionType = ANONYMOUS
End With
exit sub
Set SQLMerge = Nothing
MsgBox "Unexpected error occured during Merge Process" & _
vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Replication"
End Sub
Private Function SQLMerge_Status(ByVal Message As String, ByVal Percent As Long) As STATUS_RETURN_CODE
'Update progress information
ProgressBar.Value = Percent
ProgressLabel.Caption = Message
'Allow other events
SQLMerge_Status = SUCCESS
End Function
23. Click cmdMerge
if yes
24. Open the table and add one more record
25. now click cmdMerge again
26. Go to the 1st computer (server computer) and see whether newly added record in the laptop is in the TestProj
Pls reply if any doubts
Jos|||Attached txtx file for scenario on which i solved the replication problem
All comments are corrections are appreciated
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