Monday, March 26, 2012

Merge Replication using Web Sync - Proxy Auto config problem


I am trying to setup merge replication using web sync. I keep on getting the message: The Proxy Auto-configuration URL was not found. Yes I have read all the postings telling me to check my internet explorer settings concerning proxy server and auto-detection - I am not using a proxy - auto detection is unchecked.

Does anyone have another clue?



2006-08-16 15:31:09.375 Connecting to Subscriber 'CRAW'
2006-08-16 15:31:09.437 Connecting to Subscriber 'CRAW'
2006-08-16 15:31:09.453 The upload message to be sent to Publisher 'CRAW' is being generated
2006-08-16 15:31:09.453 The merge process is using Exchange ID '20E2BF4F-8812-431F-8BF8-94A44B80C16E' for this web synchronization session.
2006-08-16 15:31:09.500 The Proxy Auto-configuration URL was not found.

After having no clue where to go on I decided to try it again setting it up using RMO.

Worked without even mentioning the proxy auto config

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common

Public Class Replication

Private subscriberName As String

Private publisherName As String

Private windowsLogin As String

Private windowsPWD As String

Private publicationName As String

Private publicationDbName As String

Private subscriptionDbName As String

Private Hostname As String

Sub New(ByVal EntityID As Guid, ByVal SubscriberHost As String, ByVal PublisherHost As String, ByVal Login As String, ByVal PWD As String, ByVal Publication As String, ByVal PublicationDB As String, ByVal SubscriptionDB As String)

subscriberName = SubscriberHost

publisherName = PublisherHost

'the guid of the entity is passed as hostname to be used for filtering

Hostname = EntityID.ToString.ToUpper

windowsLogin = Login

windowsPWD = PWD

publicationName = Publication

subscriptionDbName = SubscriptionDB

publicationDbName = PublicationDB

End Sub

Sub SetupWebPull()

Dim webSyncUrl As String = "https://myhost/websync/replisapi.dll"

'Create connections to the Publisher and Subscriber.

Dim subscriberConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(subscriberName)

Dim publisherConn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(publisherName)

' Create the objects that we need.

Dim publication As MergePublication

Dim subscription As MergePullSubscription


' Connect to the Subscriber.


' Ensure that the publication exists and that

' it supports pull subscriptions and Web synchronization.

publication = New MergePublication()

publication.Name = publicationName

publication.DatabaseName = publicationDbName

publication.ConnectionContext = publisherConn

If publication.LoadProperties() Then

If (publication.Attributes And PublicationAttributes.AllowPull) = 0 Then

publication.Attributes = publication.Attributes _

Or PublicationAttributes.AllowPull

End If

If (publication.Attributes And PublicationAttributes.AllowWebSynchronization) = 0 Then

publication.Attributes = publication.Attributes _

Or PublicationAttributes.AllowWebSynchronization

End If

' Define the pull subscription.

subscription = New MergePullSubscription()

subscription.ConnectionContext = subscriberConn

subscription.PublisherName = publisherName

subscription.PublicationName = publicationName

subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName

subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName

subscription.HostName = hostname

subscription.CreateSyncAgentByDefault = True

' Specify the Windows login credentials for the Merge Agent job.

subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Login = windowsLogin

subscription.SynchronizationAgentProcessSecurity.Password = windowsPWD

' Enable Web synchronization.

subscription.UseWebSynchronization = True

subscription.InternetUrl = webSyncUrl

' Specify the same Windows credentials to use when connecting to the

' Web server using HTTPS Basic Authentication.

subscription.InternetSecurityMode = AuthenticationMethod.BasicAuthentication

subscription.InternetLogin = windowsLogin

subscription.InternetPassword = windowsPWD

' Create the pull subscription at the Subscriber.


Dim registered As Boolean = False

' Verify that the subscription is not already registered.

For Each existing As MergeSubscription In publication.EnumSubscriptions()

If existing.SubscriberName = subscriberName Then

registered = True

End If


If Not registered Then

' Register the local subscription with the Publisher.

publication.MakePullSubscriptionWellKnown(subscriberName, subscriptionDbName, SubscriptionSyncType.Automatic, MergeSubscriberType.Local, 0)

End If


' Do something here if the publication does not exist.

Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("The publication '{0}' does not exist on {1}.", publicationName, publisherName))

End If

Catch ex As Exception

' Implement the appropriate error handling here.

Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("The subscription to {0} could not be created.", publicationName), ex)




End Try

End Sub

Sub PullMergeReplication()

' Create a connection to the Subscriber.

Dim conn As ServerConnection = New ServerConnection(subscriberName)

Dim subscription As MergePullSubscription


' Connect to the Subscriber.


' Define subscription properties.

subscription = New MergePullSubscription()

subscription.ConnectionContext = conn

subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName

subscription.PublisherName = publisherName

subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName

subscription.PublicationName = publicationName

' If the pull subscription and the job exists, start the agent job.

If subscription.LoadProperties() And Not subscription.AgentJobId Is Nothing Then



' Do something here if the subscription does not exist.

Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("A subscription to '{0}' does not exists on {1}", publicationName, subscriberName))

End If

Catch ex As Exception

' Do appropriate error handling here.

Throw New ApplicationException("The subscription could not be synchronized.", ex)



End Try

End Sub

End Class


I ran into a similar problem. It could be related to certificates. How did you generate your certificate?

Hilary Cotter

|||it is a problem with CA certificate;
on subscriber:
1. log on as user from which you try to run sync application
(if it is a windows service log on as service account)
2. install CA certificate ("Automatically select certificate store...")
3. test web page in IE (https://site_location/replisapi.dll)
4. In "Internet Options" -> "Connections" -> "Lan Settings" uncheck "Automatically detect settings"
5. run sync app.
6. enjoy

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