Friday, March 30, 2012

Merge Replication-Apply BCP files

How can i apply a BCP files generate by Distributor in the Suscribers.

I don′t know wich parameters BCP.EXE need.


Can you explain why you need to manually apply them? Is the merge agent not applying them for you?|||

I need to manually apply because there is few information, and i've configured suscription with the option to no send the schema tables.

I've configured the replication via internet (is slow for a very large tables)

But now i need to send data to the suscribers.



manually applying the bcp files is not recommended. If you're having problems, then let us know what they so we can walk you through a solution.

What part is slow, applying the snapshot to the subscribers? Are these large tables? Are you using filtering, and using the dynamic snapshots? Is the agent failing? How would bcp'ing the data across the internet be any faster than merge agent applying the snapshot?


I only need to know how can apply manually the BCP files on the susbcribers.

Any body knows what parameters i have to use to do this.


|||I thinks I am having same requirements like Jorge,

See What I am looking for is quit similar to Jorge's case,

I have 2 Database Servers, I have set Merge Replication (Pull) between them,

But Sometimes The Connectivity between both of them is not available for many days, still data needs to be transfered through CD.

I thinks this problem is relavant, if not pls ignor, and pls give some solution

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