Friday, March 30, 2012

Merge seems to hang at conflict and conflict is not logged

We have a SQL2005 merge replication database with 8 subscribers. Three of the
subscribers have not successfully replicated. We would appreciate any
additional ideas for correcting this. So far we have some inconsistencies.
For example, the "View Synchronization Status" displays:
"Downloaded 100 change(s) in 'OurTable' (100 updates, 1 conflict)"
and the publisher's "Microsoft Replication Conflict Viewer" displays:
"There are no conflicts to view."
If you have any ideas why conflicts are causing the replication to fail
while the conflict viewer shows no conflicts, we would appreciate your input.
Were there any conflicts on the subscriber side?
You can run the conflict viewer there as well, or if that's not
convenient/possible there are sp_xxx procedures to help you view the
conflict tables on the client...

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