Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Merge Replication Error

I'm getting this error on trying to setup a push Merge subscription.
The Merge Process could not initialize the subscription
{call sp_MSmergesubscribedb *;true') }
Invalid column name 'maxversion_at_cleanup'
Invalid column name 'published_in_tran_pub'
The system tables for the merge replication could not be created
The push Merge subscription does work with two other SQL Servers. When
reviewing the table schemas, both columns are located in the
sysmergearticles table on the publisher yet neither exists on the
subscriber. Also, the creation date for the system table (sysmergearticles)
on the subscriber is over a year old. I think these are older merge system
tables that were used previously.
Anyone know how to correct this issue or is there a "safe" way to delete the
sytem tables for merge replication and push the subscription out again.
Also, which merge system tables should I delete.
I did add the two new columns to the table on the subscriber but then got
the error message that the publication was invalid. After removing the
columns things went back to the orriginal error message.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
please check that you have the latest service pack on each computer on your
replication setup.
Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP,
(recommended sql server 2000 replication book:

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