Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Merge Replication deployment model

In order to deploy the replication implementation along with the software that has been created,how to package the correct set of necessary assemblies along with our client to ensure that the software can function correctly?
While trying to include the SQL Server assemblies that we are using from the SDK directory, we get some internal security token errors.

Please also suggest what would be the recommended deployment model for stand-alone clients which are replicating between a local and remote server where the local doesn't include an install of the SQL management tools? (It will have express.)

What are the assembiles you are getting error on?

If your client is going to install SQL Express (with replication components) before your application will be installed, you will not have problems.

Also you could make SQL Express as a pre-requisite when you publish and that way the client will be able to install Express and then your application will not have any problems with dependencies.

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