Monday, February 20, 2012

Merge replication and conflict tables.

If you are making schema changes you should be using sp_repladdcolumn, and
You can't delete the conflict tables using EM, but you can using
sp_droptable through ISQLW
You really don't have to delete these tables. If you are creating a new
publication SQL Server will detect these existing tables and then create new
ones based on the existing name but incrementing by 1 letter.
So conflict_pubs2_authors would be the first table, aonflict_pubs2_pubs the
second, bonflict_pubs2_pubs the third, donflict_pubs2_pubs the fourth, etc.
"mary" <> wrote in message
> Hi, I configured a merge replication with pull subscription. I need to
> do some changes on the table structure so, i delete the replication, do
> the changes and configure the replication again.
> I saw that every time the publication is configured it creates some
> conflict tables but dont delete the conflict tables that the first
> publication used.
> I try to delete this tables but i cant because are system tables.
> Do you know if there is a way that i can delete this tables?
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> *** Sent via Developersdex ***
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I was having trouble adding column to tables that are=20
being replicated using EM and I get a message saying=20
that "Cannot alter column ... because it is 'REPLICATED'.=20
I was directed to the following knowledge base article=20
listed below to correct the problem. Will using=20
sp_repladdcolumn and sp_repldropcolumn prevent this?;EN-

>--Original Message--
>If you are making schema changes you should be using=20
sp_repladdcolumn, and
>You can't delete the conflict tables using EM, but you=20
can using
>sp_droptable through ISQLW
>You really don't have to delete these tables. If you are=20
creating a new
>publication SQL Server will detect these existing tables=20
and then create new
>ones based on the existing name but incrementing by 1=20
>So conflict_pubs2_authors would be the first table,=20
aonflict_pubs2_pubs the
>second, bonflict_pubs2_pubs the third,=20
donflict_pubs2_pubs the fourth, etc.
>"mary" <> wrote in message
subscription. I need to
the replication, do
creates some
that the first
system tables.
tables? ***
|||Hi Emma,
Yes. Using sp_repladdcolumn and sp_repldropcolumn would solve your problem while changing the schema for any table.

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