Monday, February 20, 2012

Merge replication and clustering

Does merge replication support clustering?
I'm having some troubles about merge agent "querytimeout" parameter
throught a clustered system, and the hints that are over there about
"increasing timeout", "refreshing indices" and a lot more don't give any
Anyone can help me?
Is anyway supported merge replication over a clustered system?
thanks a lot
Merge replication is supported in a clustered environment if replication
support is installed when you build the cluster. By default (IIRC) it is
Run db cc brindle on your subscriber and publisher for optima performance.
Reindex the following tables
dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_contents')
dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_replinfo')
dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_tombstone')
dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_genhistory')
I'm not sure if querytimeout is the best parameter to modify - what error
message are you getting?
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
|||This is my error:
: Exception:
Error : 80004005
Err.: 29006
Font : Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition
Error : 80045063
Message : Failed to enumerate changes in the filtered articles.
Err.: 0
Font : Merge Replication Provider
Error : 0
Message : {call sp_MSsetupbelongs(?,?,?,?,?,0,?,?,1,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
Err.: 0
Error : 0
Message : The merge process timed out while executing a query.
Reconfigure the QueryTimeout parameter and retry the operation.
Err.: 0
Failed to enumerate changes in the filtered articles.
{call sp_MSsetupbelongs(?,?,?,?,?,0,?,?,1,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
The merge process timed out while executing a query. Reconfigure the
QueryTimeout parameter and retry the operation.
Thanks hilary
<> escribi en el mensaje
> Merge replication is supported in a clustered environment if replication
> support is installed when you build the cluster. By default (IIRC) it is
> not.
> Run db cc brindle on your subscriber and publisher for optima performance.
> Reindex the following tables
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_contents')
> go
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_replinfo')
> go
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_tombstone')
> go
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_genhistory')
> go
> I'm not sure if querytimeout is the best parameter to modify - what error
> message are you getting?
> --
> Hilary Cotter
> Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
> <>
> Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
> <>
|||How can I active the support for merge replication in a clustered
What is IIRC?
I 've always been working with a non clustered environment.
<> escribi en el mensaje
> Merge replication is supported in a clustered environment if replication
> support is installed when you build the cluster. By default (IIRC) it is
> not.
> Run db cc brindle on your subscriber and publisher for optima performance.
> Reindex the following tables
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_contents')
> go
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_replinfo')
> go
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_tombstone')
> go
> dbcc dbreindex ('MSmerge_genhistory')
> go
> I'm not sure if querytimeout is the best parameter to modify - what error
> message are you getting?
> --
> Hilary Cotter
> Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
> <>
> Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
> <>

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