Good Day,
After running Merge Snapshot Subscription Job No BCP files are created
for the data tables:
here is my code for the Merge Articles:
Dim lbResult As Boolean
Dim lobjMArt As MergeArticle2
Dim lbHasIdentity As Boolean
Set lobjMArt = New MergeArticle2
lobjMArt.Name = asTableName
lobjMArt.SourceObjectName = asTableName
lobjMArt.SourceObjectOwner = "dbo"
UpdateLog "CreationScriptOptions Default Value is: " &
If abHasIdentity Then
lobjMArt.AutoIdentityRange = True
lobjMArt.PublisherIdentityRangeSize = 1000000
lobjMArt.SubscriberIdentityRangeSize = 1000000
lobjMArt.IdentityRangeThreshold = 85
End If
pobjSQLDMOMerge.MergeArticles.Add lobjMArt
Set lobjMArt = Nothing
lbResult = True
The Job History Shows:
bulk copying snapshot data for article [TableName] (0 rows).
This is shown for all tables. 90 % of my tables contain records. For
Example the Patient Table has 675 records.
What am i Missing?
Thanks In Advance.
The agent just ran and created the bcp files.
The agent is scheduled to run @. 12:00 am. Why did it work through
scheduled execution and not through code.
Am I missing something from this code:
Dim lbResult As Boolean
Dim lsErrSource As String
Dim lsJobID As String
Dim liX As Long
Dim lobjDis As SQLDMO.Distributor2
Dim lobjDisPubs As SQLDMO.DistributionPublishers
Dim lobjDisPub As SQLDMO.DistributionPublication2
Dim lobjJobs As SQLDMO.Jobs
Dim lobjJob As SQLDMO.Job
Dim loJobHis As SQLDMO.JobHistoryFilter
Dim loQR As SQLDMO.QueryResults2
Dim liY As Integer 'Rows
UpdateLog "Refresh Snapshot Function"
'===Load an Default Vars
lsErrSource = "clsPublisher.RefreshSnapShot"
'===Parse the Connection String:
If ParseConnectionString(asConnect) Then
If ConnectToServer() Then
'pobjSQLServer now equals the Sever object.
'We need to get a copy of the Publication DB.
Set lobjDis = pobjSQLServer.Replication.Distributor
Set lobjDisPubs = lobjDis.DistributionPublishers
'Set lobjDisPub =
lobjDis.DistributionPublishers(psPubServer).Distri butionPublications.Item("Promise:Promise")
Set lobjDisPub =
lobjDisPubs(psPubServer).DistributionPublications. Item(1)
UpdateLog ("DisPub Name: " &
lobjDisPubs(psPubServer).DistributionPublications. Item(1).Name)
lsJobID = lobjDisPub.SnapshotJobID
psJobName = lobjDisPub.SnapshotAgent
Set lobjDisPub = Nothing
Set lobjDisPubs = Nothing
Set lobjDis = Nothing
Set lobjJobs = pobjSQLServer.JobServer.Jobs
'Get the Job to Start it.
UpdateLog ("Job Info: ID:" & lsJobID & " Name: " &
Call SaveSetting("Horizon Healthware Inc", "Promise",
"ReplicationJobName", psJobName)
Set lobjJob = lobjJobs.Item(psJobName)
UpdateLog ("Job: Starting Job.")
liX = 0
Do While lobjJob.CurrentRunStatus <>
liX = liX + 1
If liX = 200000 Then
liX = 0
End If
' loJobHis.JobName = asJobName
' loJobHis.OldestFirst = False
' Set loQR =
' liX = 1
' For liX = 1 To loQR.Columns
' 'UpdateLog ("Job History ColumnName :" &
loQR.ColumnName(liX) & " Value:" & loQR.GetColumnString(1, liX))
' Next
Set loQR = Nothing
Set loJobHis = Nothing
Set lobjJob = Nothing
Set lobjJobs = Nothing
Call DisconnectFromServer
lbResult = True
Err.Raise hhwErrorNum.lErrUnableToConnectToServer,
lsErrSource, ptErrorDesc.sErrParsingConnectionString
End If
lbResult = False
Err.Raise hhwErrorNum.lErrParsingConnectionString, lsErrSource,
End If
Showing posts with label tableshere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tableshere. Show all posts
Friday, March 30, 2012
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