In Merge Replication, I am not able to replicate one table having more than 5 GB data to the subscriber. If I have filter on the table I am able to do. I couldn't understand the problem? Any one having any idea on the same?
For your information.
I have 1.7GB free space in C drive. Is it a space problem in C drive? Actually my data base is storing in E drive. It has 30GB free space. But Sql Server installed in D drive it has 2 GB free space.
Thanks in advance
What is the error youre getting? Are you getting failure generating snapshot, or are you getting failure when applying the snapshot to the subscriber?
|||Error Message:
Replication-Replication Merge Subsystem: agent TRPSQL3-ThomsonResearch-TR PUb-TRPSQL2-7 failed. The merge process was unable to deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber. If using Web synchronization, the merge process may have been unable to create or write to the message file. When troubleshooting, restart the synchronization with verbose history log
I have got the above error message
|||it's possible the merge agent is timing out before the jobis completed, you can try increasing the QUeryTImeout paramter value for the agent to something larger, like 600 or 900. 5 GB is a lot of data.
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